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A Conversation With America
Questions That Must Be Answered
Web Edition (c) 2008 Charles Rehn All Rights Reserved




The Michael Moore Connection

Firrst, let me say straight out that I don't know Michael Moore, and I've never received a personal email from him. I did send him a couple messages via his web site before I posted We Have A Voice.

Here's what happened, the short version:

In late 2001 early 2002, I went to probably hundreds of sites to hear what people were saying, and what the news services were saying, and what the Post 911 Climate was.

The most prevalent comment was about how you could get arrested if you dare speak out about George W. Bush and John Ashcroft.  It looked to me like what appeared to be intimidation tactics had worked on - at least - the more liberal side of the aisle.

After determining the media wasn't about to tell the truth about much of anything...

I decided to launch a boycott against a tv network. And, I decided I would "Give People Permission" to act like Americans again. You know, free speech, voting, government accountability, the responibilities and rights of citizenship.

So, I got everything ready, set up the site to support the boycott, and posted We Have A Voice to the Michael Moore Web Site.

It worked.  2 days later, the site was filled with people organizing protests, joining us in the boycotts, asking for advice... you get the picture.

And I did that all over the internet as long as possible before government and corporate interference made it impossible to continue.

That's why I say the world changed. One person can make a difference, folks.

I'm not writing this to glorify myself. I'm telling you, one person CAN make a difference.

We've paid quite a price to stand up for America. I believe that when it's all through, our attackers/corrupt government officials will be held accountable. Ultimately, that was the goal of what I started out to do. If that is accomplished, I'll be satisifed.

I had no idea that the corruption I was originally objecting to went this deep.

But it wouldn't surprise me a bit if one of the other hundreds of victims of government abuse got the message through. Someone will. That's chaos theory too.


