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Of Concern & Love

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Letter of Intent

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Letter of Intent to the United States Government & Citizens


Let it be known of my personal intent to engage in consulting with other nations regarding world affairs and international relations.

Let it be known that my interests in doing so are on behalf of the citizens and beings of the world, and on behalf of God as His representative and servant toward His promise of the full establishment of the Kingdom of God as described in Revelations of the Holy Bible.

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God Seals and Crofts - The Longest Road - One Planet, One People Please Universal Church of the Kingdom of God

Let it be known that I will not seek to engage in associations of any kind with terrorist groups as designated in any way by any one, nor do I or would I ever support acts of terrorism.

However, I declare and retain my right to freedom of speech to speak to any person on this planet, and should I encounter people whose backgrounds and identities I will not check for such sanctions, I will always seek to lend counsel and guidance when accepted or requested toward the peaceful and constructive reconciliation of individuals to themselves, their families, their nations, their enemies and allies, their world and to God. That is His will and His instruction to me.

I believe that I have documented my positions, goals and complaints on behalf of the citizens of the United States and myself, as well as the world, such that we are all citizens of one world and of His Kingdom. It should never be misconstrued that I am a threat by illegal means to anyone or anything, and in fact, I will proceed in a legal and constitutional manner per the inalienable rights granted me by the Preamble and Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights and God.

Therefore I make clear my claim to freedom of speech, and will defy anyone who would or who would continue to deny me my rights as well as the well being of my person and fellow citizens.  Further, I reserve the right to future prosecution and damages on behalf of my fellow citizens and myself for the crimes committed against them and me by the Government of the United States, engaged in a true conspiracy against the sovereignty, rights and domain of the citizens of  the United States and other nations, and to overthrow the will and promise of God.

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God Daniel Nahmod - One Power - One Power Universal Church of the Kingdom of God

No being has the right to enslave another being for any reason by any means, and it will not be tolerated in this world.

Should any being impede my work or service to God for any reason, God will, as also promised, return your error by using your arrogance to convict you.

As the Bible clearly states in His messages for  humanity at this time, the abomination of His creation has gone on for too long and has done too much damage to ignore any longer. Nor will it continue.

Toward that mandate, I humbly declare my commitment to His plan and will, and to His Kingdom as His anointed, and by so doing, declare a true global war of hearts  and minds.

And on His behalf I demand the end of the war of lies and propaganda by self-declared leaders whose intent and methods are deceptive and abusive of the power and trust placed in them by their electorate, drilled into the psyche of our citizens and whose lives and liberties, and our very nation,  are being sold for the benefit of the financiers and politicians at the heart of the conspiracy.

I  declare on His behalf a war of sharing love, sharing words and thoughts and dreams and aspirations, such that peace and well-being are established for every citizen of the world,

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God Pink Floyd - Delicate Sound of Thunder - On the Turning Away Universal Church of the Kingdom of God

and that the transfer of power to His Kingdom will be made in an orderly and peaceful manner, honoring the choice of self-government for all nations, the dignity and value of every moral faith and spiritual walk and endeavor, and the inalienable God given rights of all people and beings and creatures to exist with true liberty and freedom with global peace and abundance for all.

There is more than enough to go around if we choose to abide by the only true law of the Kingdom, in every way, with the sole and exquisite foundation behind each moment of existence being love as cause and source by the grace of God:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Let it be known that my efforts and presence on His behalf should not be considered a threat to any person, faith, religion, nation or group.

Those who perceive it as such and voice such concerns will likely be of those who are either uninformed or involved in this global conspiracy lead by the United States Government and its patrons.  I ask you to understand that they control nearly all aspects of the media and communications in the world, and at this time do not trust the first report or the image cast of any person or group taking actions, particularly those depicted as "counterculture" or "alternative" in those reports.

If anything, view the reports and accept it as a message to research that topic for the real truth. It's an objective way to view the news. Be willing to look at both sides of every issue to understand the true concerns of those you think you disagree with, and to take note of the difference between the concensus of opinions of the American people on issues and what you are told your piers and fellow citizens believe in and stand for - often times, what you are told is an illusion to get you to go along with the "fictitious" crowd.

Further, I request that all citizens act with restraint such that it is clear that if violence or disorder occurs in the coming months, that it will be obvious to all that the perpetrators are not the citizens, but the conspirators, as well as the potential for use of visual broadcast descriptions of events that may not have occurred at all through the use of digital effects and holograms - as recently occurred in staged events in Tibet depicting monks engaging in violence with Chinese forces, allowing U.S. officials the opportunity to voice their concerns for such a noble cause, all the while continuing their plan  to "eliminate" spiritual leaders in order to foster reliance in the government. I will reveal more details regarding this issue at a later time.

Further, be wary of political, religious and other organizations who disseminate declarations of political or social circumstance that causes you to take a position that would divide you from fellow citizens without verifying for yourself the candor, completeness and truthfulness of the report from other than your favorite news source, which is likely your favorite source because they report what you want to hear, and not necessarily because they inform you.

If you feel yourself being emotionally engaged in an issue reported on corporate media broadcasts and websites, ask yourself who would benefit by your taking an anti-Christian position on this issue? And always remember the adage and strategy of divide and conquer is very much in use in the propaganda  you hear.

Do these divisive social comments by pundits, politicians and certain religious leaders spread love or hate? And do they reveal truth about the world you live in, and do they inform you that you actually have a choice?

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God Marvin Gaye - What's Going On - God Is Love  Universal Church of the Kingdom of God

God generates love, Satan generates hate. It actually is that simple. Apply and re-apply that truth to your opinions about any other person or religion for which you have an opinion. That statement is in no way intended to be a criticism.

Do your own research to corroborate the info you receive as truth, just as I consistently recommend that you do the same on this web site as well.

I am so certain regarding the political and spiritual condition of the world that I would be most happy if someone informs me that I am wrong, not about my personal information, but about the issues and conclusions I have reached about the actual events of the world. Prepare to present corroborated reports. Government and corporate reports may not be acceptable depending upon independent research and due diligence. This website represents 8 years of research effort.

Having done that, I am certain that you will also know of my unwavering commitment to Democracy, to America  and every citizen of this universe.  Even if expatriated by the manipulations and unconstitutional actions of my government and its patrons, that commitment will not end, regardless of the choices made in the near future by its citizens and those who have declared themselves the faithful servants of God.

It is as His faithful representative that I am true and knowledgeable and awed by the practitioning of the teachings of Christ Jesus, and the plan and will of God for His Kingdom and His desire to be with us in every way. And those who join me in His work as faithful and true servants will truly be known as my friend, a friend to God, and a disciple of His work as the children and angels who we are.

He is my father and He is yours. He is in me, as is the spirit and love and wisdom of Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, in the being of Charles Rehn.

With this I declare His victory as was promised, and look forward to your partnership in the coming of the New World that will soon be realized.

And I declare my unconditional love for all people, beings and creatures of this universe of this cosmos, forever and ever. I ask you to join me in prayers and gratitude for the fallen angels who are so loved.

God bless you all,

Let His will be done.

Amen and Amen.

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God Eric Clapton - Change The World Universal Church of the Kingdom of God

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Universal Church of the Kingdom of God  Yusef Islam - The Wind Universal Church of the Kingdom of God


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