Dear Wizard.we all know you are...

Recordability... did you ever get an email saying Hsingring calling? That email was a real crowd pleaser for Wa State and Rio Vista California, as well as Crescent City...:}

They told me your wife Michelle :} sold homemade chocolate chip cookies... :}

Anyway, they told me lots of things you  and JT supposedly knew...

I was at the Roxy for the premier  party for the Tubes Remote Control.. I was disappointed they weren't in costume.. of course I didn't know anything about RC or tiny demons.. I thought it was about being neurotic} And I was disappointed I didn'tsee you there. people keep saying, why didn't you interview Todd when he was in LA? Something about thick as a brick and dumb as a stump..

I really like SHine.. they turned it into a psyop. Ask Kucinich whether he still believes the world needs a healer. Tell him  the guy who moved 16 tons of gravel says hi, and see if he's wiling to explain his participation at the 2008 DNC convention.

I was told my father was one of the  founders of AMPEX electronics... I think that was a gugli....his name was also on a patent in 1939 for Tesla's thought camera... and for inventing a magnetometer, presumably used at Stanford at the Hoover Institute... Rumsfeld said it was something I didn't know I knew... They also said he left AMPEX  because he couldn't figure ut what they'd do with recording tape except for use in computers.. that was back around 1960. Then there was something about FOxing Gloves, something I never said, andthen there was something about a fox stole my mother had, that I wasn't allowed to toouch.. but I was allowed to try on the hand muffs... I wonder about the song 20th CenturyFox.

Just one victory.. what do you  know what to  do?

Anyway... hope you're well, Shine on.