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Bridges to the World

The Summer 2005 Tour
Day 2 Pages:
Tour Home  Cora    Lawley   Soweto


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Cora Bailey has been offering basic animal health care in the townships around Soweto for over ten years.

As AIDS began to spread unchecked in these areas, and little or no medical care was reaching these shanty towns, children began bringing their family members to her in wheel barrows.

As a result her organization, Community Led Animal Welfare (CLAW) began to organize home hospice care and emergency interventions for those living beyond the reach of the health care system. CLAW is currently active in over a dozen areas.

Ironically, Cora is known around the world for her work in Community Led Animal Welfare.

The plan was to meet Cora  to take groceries and supplies to townships Cora has "adopted". So, we met her at her home in Johannesburg, and away we went.

There were at least 20 dogs of all shapes, sizes and conditions. Then, there were the cats, parrots, cockatiels and... who knows what was around the next corner.  But, you could tell they were all loved and well taken care of.

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Cora Bailey, a lot attendant & Lauren Kemple push a cart toward the van

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We went to a store just down the road from Cora's that stocked supplies in large sizes specifically for "subsistence" - foods that enable survival and adequate nutrition.

We bought sacks of mealy-meal - a corn meal product used in most cooking in the townships. We also bought bread, oranges, cooking oil and a variety of items that would be enough to feed 12 typical family units for one week.

Family units could easily consist of an entire family tree - sisters, brothers, aunts, mothers and cousins livng together.

You've probably noticed the men in the reddish coats and the orange vests.

These men, and others, were in the parking lot to "guard the cars". Theft is very common in Johannesberg, so security guards and parking lot attendants are practically everywhere.

Since they're there, they also offer shoppers assistance in loading their vehicles, returning the carts to the store and, directing traffic to make it easy for you to get out of your parking space and onto the road.

It is also customary to give these men a tip for assiting you and protecting your vehicle - about 5 Rand is considered generous ($1 or less USD).


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Day 2 Pages: Tour Home  Cora    Lawley   Soweto

© 1965-2009 Charles Rehn Jr IV and Kingdom of God Communications, Inc. ™  All Rights Reserved   Fair Use Policy 

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It's a
Whole, New World!
All you have to do is want it!

With God,
Everything is Possible!

Creating the Future By Empowering People


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